December 2024 Guild Meeting
Our meeting was filled with food, fun and giving. Perfect for the Christmas holiday.
Guild members created 110 book bags filled with toys and hygiene items. Theresa Church, from the Nest Alliance was on hand to accept them. Jessica Mast, from Generations Ashe Senior Center, accepted a dozen quilts, created by our members, for needy seniors in Ashe County.
The winning name for the 2024 Fundraiser Quilt was drawn and the winner is Laura B. from Jefferson.
A Piecemakers For Veterans Presentation. Missy Parker, from the Veterans Office of Ashe County, was here to help with the presentation. Catherine and Joyce were in charge of wrapping the quilts. Gia Gregory accepted a quilt for her brother, Dr. Amato, and for Dr. Wettengel. Gillian accepted the quilt for Dr. Rector. The recipients are dentists in Ashe County.
Show and Tell
November 2024 Guild Meeting
Our program was a discussion on the use of panels in quilt making. Here are some panel quilts shared by our members.
Sew N' Tell
October 2024 Guild Meeting
Lester Mullis, from Ashe County Sewing Center, shared with us his sewing machine background, how to use different pressure feet, how to keep our machines dust free and what is new in sewing machines. Mickey had goodies for us all. The BOM was a sunflower block and we had several beautiful Sew and Tell quilts.
September 2024 Guild Meeting
Theresa Early, a local fiber artist, shared her beautiful thread painted creations with us. She showed us how she turns her inspirations into gorgeous works of art. Mickey supplied us with hotdogs, beans and coleslaw.
Show N' Tell
August 2024 Guild Meeting
Our annual yard sale
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July 2024 Guild Meeting
July's program was a presentation on how to create a collage quilt. We also took home fabrics and supplies that were donated to the guild, ate delicious cake and started thinking about decorating our Christmas tree at the Arts Council this December.
Sew N' Tell
June 2024 Guild Meeting
We met at the West Jefferson Municipal Park for our Annual Meeting. Members enjoyed a pork bar-b-que and contributed side dishes and desserts. The Not Your Granny's Quilt Exhibit committee members collected items for the September exhibit.
Show N' Tell
April 2024 Guild Meeting
Our program this month was presenting the 2024 Challenge Quilts. The Friends of the Library provided assorted books, varied in type, style and content. The challenge was to create a wall hanging that best represented the book. Afterwards, the wall hangings were donated to the Friends of the Library for their fundraising efforts.
Show N' Tell
March 2024 Guild Meeting
Some of our members went to the QuiltCon show in Raleigh last month and gave us a demonstration on what they learned in the various classes they participated in.
Sew N' Tell
February 2024 Guild Meeting
Jennifer talked about Bonnie Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool, we had refreshments and there was a quilt kit give-away.
Sew N' Tell
December 2023 Guild Meeting
Vice-president, Mickey, chose the winner of the 2023 Fundraiser Quilt. Julie Suddeth was the lucky winner. We had a dessert potluck with homemade apple cider. Our Christmas Community Service project was to create baby quilts for the Ashe County Pregnancy Center. Sherrie Edwards, the executive director, accepted our quilts and updated us on the many women and families the center helps throughout the year. We also played a dice game with fat quarters.
Sew N' Tell
November 2023 Guild Meeting
Diane D. led the program, Dress A Girl Around the World. We had a fabric give-away thanks to the estate of Adrienne S.
Sew N' Tell
Photos from the Zipper #2 workshop.
October 2023 Guild Meeting
Our program began with Catherine and Joyce updating us on the Music for Veterans project. They gave a goodie bag to all the quilters who participated this year. Next up was Brenda Brown, from Sew Originals in Boone, she gave a presentation on the wide variety of supplies, patterns and techniques they have available. See all that they provide at their website, We got to see the 2024 Fundraiser Quilt before it went to Gillian to be quilted and it was all followed by refreshments.
Sew N' Tell
September 2023 Guild Meeting
Gillian gave us great ideas on how to utilize dollar store products in our quilting projects. We had refreshments and a drawing for our Block of the Month, which was a block called Simple Path and Stiles.
Sew N' Tell
August 2023 Guild Meeting
This month we had a yard sale. Members bought and sold fabric, supplies, patterns and ready-made items.
Sew N' Tell
July 2023 Guild Meeting
We made Scandinavian Stars to use on our Christmas Tree at the Arts Council in December.
Sew N' Tell
June 2023 Guild Meeting
June is our annual meeting. Here Vicki is swearing in the new officers for the coming year andSarah Ruth is thanking our current officers for their hard work and dedication. We started the meeting with a finger food pot-luck. Our block of the month squares were Winning Hand.
Sew N' Tell
May 2023 Guild Meeting
We had our guild meeting at the Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference and Retreat Center, which is the location of our annual quilt retreat.
Show N' Tell
April 2023 Guild Meeting
The 2023 Challenge was to use one, or more, of the 2022 Block of the Month patterns. Participants were challenged to create an item of their choice using their choice of color schemes and sizes. Prizes were awarded for the Best Use of Multiple Patterns, Best Design and Use of Color and Best of Show. The three pillows won Best of Show, the calendar used a different block for each month and won Best Use of Multiple Patterns and the tulip quilt with the green borders won Best Use of Design and Color.
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March 2023 Guild Meeting
Gillian gave us money saving tips on batting.
Sew N' Tell
Placemats members made from orphan blocks. They will be donated to the Ashe County Meals on Wheels progam.
February 2023 Guild Meeting
Janet W. spoke to us about fabric directionality. Members donated orphan blocks that will be turned into placemats. The placemats will go to the local Meals on Wheels program.
Collage Quilts
Sew N' Tell
January 2023 Guild Meeting
The program was gnomeclature. Jennifer showed us her hand knitted gnome collection.
Sew N' Tell
December 2022 Guild Meeting
Our annual holiday meeting consisted of a dessert potluck, a fun game played with fat quarters and a visit from Sherrie Edwards, executive director of the Ashe Pregnancy Care Center and Pastor Kristy Burnette. Sherrie picked up bibs and burp clothes that members created to be used by new moms in the county. The guild donated a quilt, made by the Crumbies, to thank the pastor for allowing us to use their fellowship hall for our monthly meetings.
Sew N' Tell
November 2022 Guild Meeting
The High Country Figurative Artists had a trunk show and sale. They dazzled us with their beautiful and fanciful creations.
Sew N' Tell
October 2022 Guild Meeting
Janet W. explained how the idea for next year's fundraiser quilt came about. The squares are based on various barn quilts throughout the county, interspersed with pine trees. Here are some of the finished squares. She also told us how to create a pattern from just a photo of a quilt square!
Catherine and Joyce gave a presentation about the Marathon Jam, now called Music Honoring Ashe County Veterans. Here is a photo of some of the 15 members who created quilts this year.
Show N' Tell
September 2022 Guild Meeting
Carl S. presented our September program, "Tools of the trade from the male perspective." He showed us six of his award winning quilts first. Then he did a version of The Price is Right game using items used in sewing that he purchased from Harbor Freight. Some of the items were a combo flashlight/ magnet, storage boxes, hemostat scissors used to pull thread from hard to reach places, 1/2 " tape measure, clamps used for binding clips, a carpenter square, 4mm pins, the purple thang and a laser to make right angles. It was a lot of fun and we all went home with a prize. Thank you Carl!
Sew N' Tell
August 2022 Guild Meeting
It's our 20th Anniversary as a guild! We celebrated at the New River State Park and invited all of our past and current members. Lunch was provided by Smoky Mountain Barbecue. The program was members reminiscing about their years in the guild. We ended the day with a group photo. The last photo shows some of our founding members.
Sew N' Tell
June 2022 Guild Meeting
The program was "Children's Books with Quilting Themes" with guest author Tuck McClure. Tuck read his book, Chips and Threads, and told the tale of how the book came to be. Susan M. discussed Dana Kumerow's book, The Storyteller's Apprentice. Dana was a member of the guild who recently passed away. Vicki talked about the Governor's Service Award that was recently presented to the guild. The Governor's Volunteer Service Award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals, groups and businesses that make a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service.
Sew N' Tell
May 2022 Guild Meeting
This month we had our meeting at the Laurel Ridge Retreat and Conference Center in Laurel Springs, which is the location of our annual Quilt Retreat. We had lunch and a tour of the facility, including the sewing room that was being used by the retreat attendees.
April 2022 Guild Meeting
During our April meeting we presented out challenge quilts, spoke about them, and then voted. Participants were randomly given a holiday or calendar event and were to make a small quilt, or item, to commemorate that date or event.
Sew N' Tell
March 2022 Guild Meeting
Sarah Ruth presented a quilty trunk show with her beautiful and creative accessories and quilts.
Sew N' Tell
February 2022 Guild Meeting
The program was "Scrappy Day...Suggestions for scraps". Sue B. gave the presentation and showed us many examples of quilts she has made using scraps. She also gave us great ideas on how to create our own scrappy quilt. Members also showed their favorite scrap quilts.
Sew N' Tell
January 2022 Guild Meeting
The program was "My Favorite How-to Quilt Book or author", with a presentation on leaders, enders and pre-cuts.
December 2021 Guild Meeting
This month we had our annual holiday party. We had a holiday fashion show with two categories "ugly, tacky and gaudy" holiday garments, and "ugly, tacky, gaudy" holiday wearable accessories. We also did our drawing to see who would win our 2021 fundraiser quilt, "Reflections of Ashe". The winner was guild member Pat C.
Sew N' Tell
November 2021 Guild Meeting
Our program was t-shirt quilts. We got lots of tips and ideas on how to create beautiful quilts and several members showed off their creations.
Sew N' Tell
October 2021 Guild Meeting
The program was "A History Lesson in Quilting...Sharing Heirloom Quilts". After a brief history lesson on quilting, members shared their heirloom quilts along with their stories.
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September 2021 Guild Meeting
The program was "Follow the Rules...Specialty Rulers You Like". Members brought in a specialty ruler that they have used to make quilt squares, along with a sample quilt square.
Sew N' Tell
August 2021 Guild Meeting
Our program this month was a Get-to-know-you activity. Members told the group where they were from and when they first learned how to sew.
Sew N' Tell
March 2020 Guild Meeting
Neva Hart is a retired American Quilter's Society (AQS) certified appraiser and quilt collector. She has judged shows, but explained that the difference between a judge and an appraiser is that an appraiser only attaches a value to a quilt for purposes of insurance, shipping, sales, loss, taxable deductions for donations or inheritance. Neva shared several stories illustrative of her experiences along with several beautiful antique and vintage quilts. At the end of her very interesting presentation she answered members' questions.
Sew N' Tell
February 2020 Guild Meeting
Our guest speaker was Dr. Emily Wilson, from Schuster Physical Therapy.
She explained the proper ergonomics for quilters.
She explained the proper ergonomics for quilters.
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January 2020 Guild Meeting
Sew N' Tell
December 2019 Guild Meeting
Our annual holiday meeting was filled with food, games and fun. We drew the name of the 2019 fundraiser quilt winner, exchanged gifts, and presented quilts, pillowcases, stuffed animals and a donation to the Ashe Senior Center.
Ashe Senior Center director, Glenda Luther, accepting a donation of quilts for needy seniors, pillowcases and stuffed animals for the participants of their day care center and a check.
Drawing the winning name of the 2019 fundraiser quilt, Autumn Splendor. The winner is Ashe County resident, Ann Hood.
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November 2019 Guild Meeting
Sew N' Tell
October 2019 Guild Meeting
The program this month was Ghostly Disappearing Patches.
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September 2019 Quild Meeting
The boutique committee shared their creations with us and gave us ideas to make our own items.
Sew N' Tell
August 2019 Quilt Guild Meeting
Barbara Sears was here to talk about the Marathon Jam and the challenge quilt winners were be announced.
Sew N' Tell
July 2019 Guild Meeting
We turned in our Challenge Quilts this month and members voted on which one they liked the best.
Sew N' Tell
June 2019 Guild Meeting
This month was our annual meeting with refreshments and the installation of officers ceremony. Ces Robison will remain as President, Lynda Harris as Treasurer and Donna Sense as Secretary. Our new Vice-president is Betsy Ziroli, replacing Doris Phillips. Thank you all for volunteering!
Sew N' Tell
May 2019 Guild Meeting
We had a yard sale of fabrics and accessories.
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April 2019 Guild Meeting
Sew N' Tell
March 2019 Guild Meeting
The Carolina Home Project is to provide new quilts to people on the North Carolina coast whose homes were severely damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Florence, the floods that followed, and then additionally damaged by more flooding from Hurricane Michael. This will be a long term project, lasting until at least June of next year, and likely longer. It takes a year to rebuild many homes, and quilts will be needed for quite some time. Here are some of the quilts that guild members have created.
Carole Carter, author of From My Carolina Home blog, was our guest speaker. She told us all we need to know to have our quilt top ready for a long-arm quilter.
Sew N' Tell
February 2019 Guild Meeting
Sew N' Tell
January 2019 Quilt Guild Meeting
Our annual holiday party was postponed until January due to bad weather.
Sew N' Tell
Ces Robison, guild president, presented a dozen quilts, 65 stuffed stockings, and a monetary donation to Glenda Luther representing Ashe Services for Aging. Our community service project for 2018 was to make small stockings that were stuffed with goodies for some of our needy seniors in the area.
November 2018 Guild Meeting
The program for this month was "Calming the Chaos" with special guest Lisa Alley. Lisa showed us ways to organize all our fabrics and notions.
Sew N' Tell
September 2018 Guild Meeting
The program was the 2019 Challenge Quilt. Here Catherine and Gillian are giving us the specifics and examples for next year.
Sew N' Tell
August 2018 Guild Meeting
Barbara Sears was here to talk about the Marathon Jam. She came with an iron picker, who is also a veteran.
Sew N' Tell
July 2018 Quilt Guild Meeting
Our challenge quilts were due. We voted on which was our favorite.
The 2018 challenge was to create a quilt that depicts one, or more, of the four seasons in Ashe County.
The 2018 challenge was to create a quilt that depicts one, or more, of the four seasons in Ashe County.
Show n' Tell
June 2018 Guild Meeting
Our annual installation of officers. President Ces Robison, Vice-President Doris Phillips, Treasurer Lynda Harris and Secretary Donna Sense will be our new officers for the year 2018-2019. Saying thank you to our out-going officers. Paula Riggs (president), Faye Martin (vice-president), and Betsy Ziroli (treasurer). Donna Sense will continue as secretary.
Show N' Tell
May 2018 Guild Meeting
Dorothy Witherspoon and Vickie Herman were here to talk about Project Graduation. We also got to see the latest Project Graduation quilt designed and pieced by guild member Dave Smith and quilted by Ann Becker.
Gillian entertained us with her quilting stories. She showed us several of her quilts, from her first to her latest.
Sew N' Tell
Dresden Diva Workshop with Cindy from The Quilter's Gallery
April 13, 2018
April 2018 Guild Meeting
Cindy and Patti from The Quilter's Gallery held a trunk show.
Show N' Tell
March 2018 Guild Meeting
The program this month was "My First Quilt" Four members bought in their first and latest creations and entertained us with the stories behind them.
Show N' Tell
February 2018 Guild Meeting
Our program was six members showing their first and their latest quilts.
Show N' Tell
January 2018 Guild Meeting
Jennifer led our program, "You have bought the fabric, now what???"
Show n' Tell
December 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
And the winner of the 2017 Fundraiser quilt is.....Edi G. from Fleetwood! Lee Sanderlin,
of the Ashe Post and Times, chose the winning ticket.
of the Ashe Post and Times, chose the winning ticket.
Our holiday community service project was to make fabric wreaths for seniors living in the Ashe Center for Aging Assisted Living Facility. President, Paula Riggs, is sending Bevin South off with lots of holiday cheer for the residents.
The top for the 2018 Fundraiser Quilt, Seasons of the Mountains, is revealed. Next step is the quilting.
Our annual Christmas Party with a potluck, games and lots of fun!
Show n' Tell
November 2017 Guild Meeting
For our holiday community service project we created fabric wreaths for the residents of the Ashe Senior Center Assisted Living Facility.
Show N' Tell
October 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
Amber Dixon, from a Safe Home for Everyone, was here to talk about domestic abuse in Ashe County. She told us how much her clients enjoy our home made quilts when they move into a new home for themselves and their children.
Jane Lonon, from the Ashe County Arts Council, was here to talk about our upcoming show in February. She also explained all the events hosted by the Arts Council in which we can showcase our quilts and fiber projects.
Show N' Tell
September 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
Jennifer revealed the pattern for the 2018 fundraiser quilt. It will depict the four seasons in Ashe County using log cabin blocks and appliqué.
Show N' Tell
Celebrating the Guild's 15th Anniversary at New River State Park
September 21, 2017
August 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
The program this month was to present our challenge quilts. The 2017 challenge was to create a wall hanging, accessory, doll or home decoration incorporating the quilter's birth month flower and birth stone. Members were to choose their favorite project.
Thanking the co-chairs Ces, Susan, Paula and Irene (not shown)
for their hard work and dedication during this year's quilt fair.
for their hard work and dedication during this year's quilt fair.

Barbara Sears, from the Military Officer's Association, was here to talk about the Marathon Jam. The 2017 Marathon Jam was on May 20th. This was a fundraiser for “Fisher House” at Fort Bragg, NC. Fisher House is a place any veteran, service person, and/or immediate family can stay free of charge while being treated/cared for at the Fort Bragg Medical Hospital. Local musicians play music during the jam. Any musician that plays for the full 12 hours gets the Iron Picker Status. During the jam veterans are given quilts made by our guild. Here Barbara is acknowledging the quilters from the 2017 Marathon Jam.
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July 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
Our program this month was to create fabric wreaths, which will be sold at our Quilt Fair boutique.
Show N' Tell
June 2017 Quilt Guild Meeting
Our annual installation of officers. President Paula Riggs, Vice-President Faye Martin, Secretary Rose Ann Pace and Treasurer Betsy Ziroli.
Local artist, Janice Hassell, gave a presentation on color.
Show n' Tell